College Life

5 Things I've Learned Living On My Own

5 Things I've Learned Living On My Own

By Laurel Dorr from Maine, USA

I have been away at college for the last couple of months, and although I am living semi-independently in a dorm, it’s the first time I have lived away from my parents.

Below, I talk about 5 reflections and lessons that have come up as I learn to live with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in a new environment.

1. What you need is not “too much.”

Fortunately, my college has provided several crucial housing accommodations for me. Yet I have found myself avoiding eye contact when people asked me about my roommate (I have a single room), or hesitating to mention the attached bathroom when someone asks about my room. I kept unconsciously feeling like these were awkward details, or even like I was “bragging” about my living situation.

But these accommodations, along with several others, have made my life so much more manageable. And if anyone has a problem with it, they have never said so to me. Don’t let fear or shame keep you from asking for what you need. I can’t imagine what my life would look like without these supports.

2.  It’s okay to be alone. 

I have often felt out of place here, for a number of reasons; not least because I am a transfer student, and slightly older than a typical undergraduate. There are also health concerns to consider: for instance, I can’t safely do things many of my peers do, like drink alcohol, go to crowded parties, or even stay out late. (No judgment against those who can!)

For one reason or another, I haven’t forged many deep connections or friendships yet, and frequently find myself studying or eating at the dining hall alone. But, I don’t see it as time wasted.

Instead, I have used this time to get used to being alone, and focusing on self-care. My body is experiencing just as much upheaval in this new environment as my social life is, and taking the time to acclimate and get comfortable with it has been beneficial to my health. I will find the right people eventually—but for now, my attention is where it needs to be.

3. However… part of self care is doing what’s best for you.

Even when it’s uncomfortable. When I talk about being alone, I don’t mean to say that I haven’t tried new things or put myself out there. I know that it is easy for me to self-isolate. Sometimes, it was even necessary, when I was sicker than I am now. But that isn’t always best for me. So while I cherish my alone time, I also try to step out of my social comfort zone.

For example, I usually set aside time for at least 1-2 campus activities (clubs, events) per week. In general, I also avoid eating or studying in my dorm room as much as possible—even if that just means reading in my floor’s common/lounge room, some days. Baby steps!

4. Doing the hard things is just as important as resting. 

I know I need time to rest and recharge, but it has taken me awhile to get on a good schedule and routine. College classes are hard enough, but living semi-independently makes it even more challenging. For instance, taking time each week to do things like laundry and cleaning, walking some distance to dining halls and classes across campus, attending office hours and extracurriculars—all of it builds up, and usually takes more time than I anticipate.

What has helped me is cliché, but true: setting up a schedule, and sticking to it. If I put off a difficult homework assignment until the last minute, it ends up taking away from my relaxing time in the evening, which makes the next day that much more exhausting, and I start putting off even more work. It’s a difficult cycle to break, but the way I feel and function when I manage my time well makes it worthwhile.

5. Make your space somewhere you want to spend time. 

I have also found it helpful to make my space feel refreshing and comfortable. Although I try not to spend too much time in my room, that’s not always possible. Some days, my IBD symptoms make it harder to leave.

Rather than let my environment add to that stress, though, I make sure to keep my curtains open and my space tidy; I have decorated with nature-inspired themes, like potted plants, artificial vines, and floral bedding; and I made sure to fill the room with cozy items, like a soft area rug and plenty of pillows.

These are just a few examples of how I manage my IBD within college life and living (more or less) on my own. However, it is an ongoing learning process for me. What have you learned about living on your own with IBD?

Featured photo by Ja Kubislav from Pexels.

Major Life Transitions: IBD and Starting Graduate School

As a young adult who lives with IBD, feeling safe and secure is almost as necessary as breathing air. Navigating the endlessly winding path of chronic illness has caused me to be more aware of my environment and how it affects me. Through this, I have come to find solace in my environment. After getting accustomed to this sense of safety, I finally found comfort. But, what happens when that sense of comfort and stability is challenged?

Recently, I just moved 500 miles away from home to attend grad school. This was probably one of the most impactful decisions I’ve ever had the privilege of making. While the process of moving for grad school is difficult for everyone, I want to emphasize the added barriers that chronically ill people face. After I received my acceptance letter from the University of Pittsburgh, I was overcome with joy. Finally seeing the fruits of my hard work, determination, and labor was extremely validating. Shortly after this period of elation, I immediately became overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts such as “Well, can I really move away from home with ulcerative colitis?”, “What happens if I flare again?”, “I don’t want to leave my doctor.” I tried to give myself space to feel my emotions, but it was still difficult. Ultimately, the decision to move was clouded by, what I like to call, health hesitation.

Not only did I have to deal with the social pressure of applying to grad school, I also had to cope with the idea of being away from my established support system. I’ve worked so hard to build meaningful relationships with my medical team, so how on earth would I manage to completely restart? Something that I found beneficial was being open and communicative with my doctors throughout the entirety of the grad school process. My GI doctor knew the second I was accepted, she knew when I took my first flight to visit campus, and she knew about every important date leading up to my departure. Being transparent allowed her to assist me with navigating insurance, finding new doctors, and recommendations. This significantly helped with my transition and it helped relieve some of my health related anxiety. For myself, stress and anxiety are triggers for my symptoms, so mitigation is salient. This emphasizes the importance of advocating for yourself and being open and honest with your doctor(s).

An important tip I would give someone moving for grad school is to be proactive about setting up doctors appointments before you move. Prior to moving, I made sure that I had the basics down, like dentist and eye doctor visits. Getting the lower priority appointments out of the way definitely eased some of my anxiety. This also extends to being proactive about finding doctors once you arrive. The process is very overwhelming, but I found that taking these steps helped mitigate some of that stress and anxiety. A second tip I would give is to check to see if the school you're attending has an on-campus pharmacy. I, like many others, have quite a few necessary medications and transferring to a new pharmacy can be a bit of an undertaking, especially when it’s out of state. For example, The University of Pittsburgh has an on campus pharmacy that takes care of insurance and the medication transfer process in a quick and efficient manner. Never hesitate to seek out local resources, especially through your campus disability resources center.

In summation, no one experience is going to be universal. We will all experience our own set of unique trials, anxieties, and stressors. With that being said, moving for grad school is a decision I will never regret. If I ever feel like second guessing myself or I get discouraged about having to restart everything, I always like to remember that this experience is an investment for my future, both professionally and personally. Always be vocal and advocate for yourself, especially when seeing new providers, give yourself space, try to quiet that health hesitancy, and enjoy your experience. If I can do it, anyone with IBD can do it. We are all capable of withstanding hardship!

This article is sponsored by Connecting to Cure.

Connecting to Cure Crohn’s and Colitis is a grassroots, volunteer organization that brings together the IBD community with a focus on caregivers and families. Connecting to Cure Crohn’s & Colitis provides community and support for those coping with these chronic illnesses, while raising awareness and funds for research as well.


Starting a New Treatment: My Experience with Humira and Stelara

This article is by Jennifer Lee from the United States.

Here’s a picture of me before my treatment! A bit nervous, but hanging in there.

Here’s a picture of me before my treatment! A bit nervous, but hanging in there.

This past week, I received my very first dose of Stelara, my latest biologics treatment, at Mount Sinai in New York City! Unfortunately, even after a year on Humira subcutaneous injections, my Crohn’s symptoms have not subsided as we had originally hoped. After having seton drain placement done back in December 2020, along with another operation in June 2021, my healthcare team at Mount Sinai’s IBD Center decided that it may be best to try a new method of attack with a new set of biologics treatment.

Before starting the treatment, I had multiple healthcare workers stop by my room to explain what exactly Stelara was. I’m grateful that my mom was there to be by my side during this transition, but I also know what a blessing this is. When I was first diagnosed back in June 2020, I was completely alone in the hospital while COVID-19 infection and hospitalization rates were through the roof. The simple comfort of being surrounded by a loved one went a long way. 

Here’s me while receiving my first dose of Stelara intravenously! The next dose will be done via injection, hopefully on my college campus.

Here’s me while receiving my first dose of Stelara intravenously! The next dose will be done via injection, hopefully on my college campus.

While I originally had a bit of trouble breathing in the first few minutes, my nurses assured me that this was not an allergic reaction to Stelara and that I was reacting well to the medication. It only took about an hour for the entire round of Stelara to be infused, but I did wait an additional 30 minutes to ensure that I would not experience any additional side effects. Truth be told, I was surprised at how efficient and fast-paced the entire infusion center at Mount Sinai was; I felt completely safe and well taken care of in their midst. Shoutout to the tireless effort of the amazing healthcare workers at Mount Sinai!

The day immediately after my first dosage of Stelara, my chronic fatigue kicked in, leaving me completely knocked out the morning after. Even after a year of living with Crohn’s disease, I’m still surprised by the ways that chronic fatigue manifests in my life. Although self-care admittedly goes a long way in understanding my body’s signals, I was most definitely caught off guard by how exhausted I was after the first dosage. 

Moving forward, it’s a bit terrifying knowing that my treatment plan may or may not work. However, I feel so grateful to have access to doctors that specialize in IBD care and surgery; all IBD patients deserve access to the most effective treatments for their specific condition. My first dose of Stelara was a reminder of not only how fortunate I was to have a second chance at a biologics treatment, but also of how much more work needs to be done to ensure that healthcare becomes equitable for all.

Growing Pains: IBD Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside-down as we knew it -- that, in and of itself, is already the understatement of the year. Disability activist Alice Wong spoke of how the nation’s need for ventilators in hospitals directly conflicted with her needs as a disabled patient; Tiffany Yu, founder of Diversability, used her platform to raise awareness of transparent masks for easy lipreading access. Already, at-risk patients suffered from a lack of attention and space, only for this to be exacerbated by a public health crisis. 

However, the pandemic also offered a chance for those with disabilities, and specifically IBD, to rethink our routines and lives. For example, in my own experience with Crohn’s disease, I’ve found that staying at home during the school semester had me re-thinking all my prior decisions in my relationship with food. It was, in fact, possible to regulate my diet and work in my medications without compromising my education -- the flexibility of virtual classes in university had opened up a new way of life for myself, one where I could sneak off to the bathroom during lecture without worrying about missing key points or bumping into desks. 

Living with Crohn’s, it often feels as though my time is not my own. This phenomenon of constantly running on other people’s schedules is not exactly unique to Crohn’s or IBD as a whole -- in fact, it refers to a concept known as ‘crip time,’ in which society and its timetables ought to bend to meet the needs of disabled bodies and minds. It’s a community-inspired term that essentially encourages us all to work on our own time, taking up space as necessary to meet our individual body and mind’s requisites. 

Whether it’s knowing where the nearest bathroom is, or having accommodations to turn the Zoom camera off, accessibility is an essential cornerstone of working with IBD. As a college student, I’ve found that communication with professors and administrators has become easier in a virtual setting, allowing for flexible office hours and minimal commute to buildings. In all workplaces, key lessons should be taken and continuously applied from the pandemic, particularly in regards to accessibility for disabled folks. 

With this being said, a major caveat is that we as a society are almost always ‘plugged in’ or online -- being available on Zoom has made it near impossible to draw the (much-needed) line between home and the office, allowing professionals to work around the clock. As the world shifts back to a new state of burgeoning normalcy, may we all remember the importance of accommodating disabled folks in the workplace, in-person and virtually. 

For those with IBD or any chronic illness, it is of the utmost importance that we too learn where to place boundaries in our work lives, prioritizing our physical and mental health above all. 

Crohn’s in College: Perspectives from a Former D1 Student Athlete

By Rachael Whittemore

Erin and I met in a serendipitous way - I was flaring and having a rough day at work, so I had to switch places with someone at work so I could sit instead of running around in surgical dermatology. She had come in for a triage appointment. We were talking and I made a joke about my stomach and she replied - “oh, I totally understand that, I have Crohn’s.” It couldn’t have been more perfect. We laughed about our IBD and bonded over our love for UNC. I also found out she would be starting a job at the clinic soon! She became a part of our “PA pod” and a beautiful friendship began. Erin is someone who gives her all in everything and is a light to anyone she meets. Like everyone with IBD, her story is unique and she has found a way to truly thrive in spite of it. She graciously offered to answer some questions about life and her journey with Crohn’s disease.

We both share a love for missions and travel!

We both share a love for missions and travel!

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are you up to right now and what plans do you have planned for the next year? 

Raised on a farm in rural North Carolina, I graduated from my dream university (UNC-Chapel Hill) back in 2017 and have stayed in this lovely city ever since. After graduating, I traveled some and then landed this sweet medical assistant job where I became Rachael’s trainee. I am still gaining experience hours in the clinic, with plans to apply to Physician Assistant programs next summer. Along with working full-time, I have been pursuing a second degree in Public Health from North Carolina Central University. My hope is to join public health education and community outreach into the way I practice as a Physician Assistant one day. 

Working as MAs together at Central Dermatology.

Working as MAs together at Central Dermatology.

What was it like being in college and starting to experience IBD symptoms during a time that is often deemed “some of the best memories you will make?” How was this affected by you playing a sport? 

Overall, my first year of college was pretty miserable. As a first year student athlete, having my first true flare within the first month of training was about the worst timing it could’ve been. I had experienced some fatigue and abdominal pain throughout my senior year of high school but, with the stress of starting college courses and the physical toll softball was taking on my body, the pain and exhaustion was consuming. I had no idea what was going on with my body and why it seemed to be betraying me. I couldn’t perform athletically the way I had before and no one believed me when I tried to explain how I was feeling. In their defense, I didn’t know how to advocate for myself since I didn’t understand what was happening. Nevertheless, I still felt isolated from my teammates, coaches and friends. It looked like I was some freshman who came in lazy, poorly prepared physically, and mentally weak. In reality though, I was struggling to get out of bed in the mornings for weights. I slept on any bench I could find in between class (even if it was for only 5 minutes). My body constantly ached and I’d be back in the weightroom or on the field before I ever felt any recovery from the last training. I’d clutch my stomach at night from the pain. The majority of the time, I felt awful physically and, in turn, felt awful about feeling so weak and letting my team down. It was a difficult time for me. 

How long did it take for you to get an official diagnosis? Was it difficult? Did you have any issues with providers not taking you seriously?

From my first symptoms back in high school to the beginning of sophomore year at UNC, it took over two years and five different doctors to diagnose my Crohn’s disease. This journey was definitely one riddled with frustration and hopelessness at first. I knew my body felt off but after having three different doctors tell me things like, “It’s just a stomach ache, suck it up,” and “Well, if your primary care provider doesn’t think it’s anything, I don’t either,” I decided that I must be crazy and I just had to deal with the pain. When the flare hit me hard at UNC, I went to another doctor to reevaluate for a fourth opinion. After a lot of advocating, he finally tested some labs through blood work. The results showed that I had severe iron-deficiency anemia but the cause wasn’t looked into any further. I remember offering up that maybe it was related to the significant, recurring abdominal pain I’d been experiencing but that was quickly brushed off. My diet was adjusted to help increase my iron intake, but I felt worse as the diet consisted of all the foods that (I now know) cause my flares. It wasn’t until after I had to medically retire from the softball team at the end of my freshman year that I went to see my fifth and final provider. She sat with me, listened to me, and fought with me to find an answer. Within about a month or so, I finally had my diagnosis. The diagnosis proved to others that my struggle was real, but more importantly, it finally gave me a chance at finding some peace. 


What advice would you give other young adults with IBD who may have been seriously playing sports prior to their diagnosis?

I would love to encourage my fellow IBD athletes that this diagnosis doesn’t have to mean an end to your athletic career. I was blessed in that, by my senior year, my Crohn’s was in remission. I laced up my cleats and wore that Carolina jersey proudly for a final season. Was my experience the same as my teammates? No, my conditioning had modifications and some days I had to listen to my body and rest. But who cares? There’s no shame in that. In fact, it’s even more incredible that we’ve been provided the opportunity to compete and perform at that level despite our adversities. I found immeasurably more joy in my sport that final season and realized how much I had taken it for granted before. No matter how much we pour ourselves into our sports, we are not entitled to perfect batting average, fielding percentage, or even health. Sometimes, we get to be creative and find ways to integrate back into our sport or even just an active lifestyle. If you are able to continue athletics, I highly recommend having an honest conversation with your coaches and teammates about expectations and trust. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and your health. If you aren’t able to continue your athletic career, I grieve with you and that loss. I understand the identity crisis that ensues as soon as you are no longer an athlete, however, so much growth comes out of this season of life. I encourage you to shift your hope into something greater than a sport. 


What advice do you have for young adults who are trying to find their way after their diagnosis? 

First, I’d recommend taking some time to wrestle with the reality of the diagnosis and what this means for you personally. Lean hard into your community because having a support system is so crucial. It can be overwhelming in the beginning but trust me that things even out over time and you’ll start to adjust to your new normal. Once you get your bearings and start looking forward, don’t allow your IBD to define or limit you. There is so much more to you than your diagnosis. In a really twisted way, Crohn’s was potentially the best thing that could’ve happened to me. It caused me to really evaluate my life and my heart. It opened up my eyes to new passions and the desire to pursue them. 

After medically retiring from softball for my sophomore and junior year, I was able to study abroad in Scotland for a semester and backpack around Europe for eight weeks after. I became more involved with a campus sports ministry called Athletes In Action, making lifelong friends and growing deeper into my relationship with God. I began to merge my loves of traveling and Jesus together on mission trips abroad. I’ve even recently been on a medical mission trip back in February, which was especially memorable for me. My heart has never been so full. All of this is to say, there is so much life left to explore and experience in this world. It would be a shame to let IBD take that away from you.

On a recent mission trip in Belize - working as a dental assistant!

On a recent mission trip in Belize - working as a dental assistant!

What advantages do you think living with Crohn’s disease gives you in the real world? Has any reflection changed your perspective on living with a chronic illness going forward?

My Crohn’s disease has given me a certain confidence and purpose for my career path. Before all of this, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to pursue professionally and now I am passionate about becoming a medical provider one day. Even as a medical assistant now, I have been able to relate to my patients on a deeper level when reviewing biologic injections and other medications. Being able to sit with a patient and provide information and counseling from personal experience really helps build trust. While my experience with the healthcare system wasn’t a positive one to start, I’ve since had providers that have made me feel heard and valued. I want to be able to care for others in such a personal and profound way like my medical team has for me. Even if you don’t want to go into the medical field, there are lessons from our experiences on how to treat others that apply to all aspects of life.

I am also grateful for the advantages of endurance and perseverance that I’ve gained. With IBD being a chronic disease and after seven years since my diagnosis, there have been a lot of opportunities to wallow in self-pity. Don’t get me wrong - sometimes there are still days where I’m frustrated with having Crohn’s - but overall there have been so many victories over it. Each time I’ve adjusted my treatment regimen, found yummy recipes in my diet or shared my testimony, I've experienced joy. Celebrate the little things and appreciate the magnitude of what we’ve overcome. Living a full and purposeful life with IBD is possible and I want to empower you to continue persevering to find that. Throughout this experience, I’ve been shaped into the woman I am today and it has provided me the capability to handle all that will come in the future.

Living Beyond the Limits of IBD

By Grady Stewart


“Tired of feeling dizzy from my situation, I realized I had a choice. I could let anger drive my college experience, or I could appreciate the things I was capable of doing. “

I lived in a dorm building named South Hall when I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. It was four floors of ambitious and energetic college freshman. At night, I could hear a wavy hum of untapped potential buzzing in the air. The beginning of college, or the beginning of anything, really, is always incredibly alive with possibility. I was surrounded by other students who were tired of waiting. Together, we all marched headlong in any adventure that awaited us. We were adults at last. It was our time.

The community atmosphere and energy of college is rarely found anywhere else. Specifically, the college dorm is the world’s most diverse ecosystem. You throw a few hundred students who come from different places and who have different backgrounds into one building. You tell them to coexist, and somehow, it’s self sustaining.

While college is a time of new friendships and experiences, it’s also easy to blend into the bustling background of daily college life. Adulthood comes with stacks of new responsibilities. It’s cutting the ropes that have anchored your life, and sailing off into the unknown. Independence means making difficult and often ambiguous decisions on your own. Living with a chronic illness, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, complicates young adulthood even further.

Many of my classmates were seemingly able to attend class, complete household chores, and party every weekend with ease. For me, however, it was a challenge. It was difficult to look around at the thousands of students surrounding me and see them achieving things that felt impossible to me. It’s frustrating to have persistent anxiety about where the nearest bathroom is, when for others it’s an afterthought. Simply put, my first taste of freedom was bittersweet. Like Prednisone, the aftertaste lingered and was hard to swallow.

It’s isolating to feel weak and abnormal. Moreover, physically living in a dorm room can be lonely. Other students were able to roam the campus without any concern, but often I confined myself to my dorm due to pain. I felt regret at not being able to fully experience certain aspects of college life. Chronic illness is a spiral that envelops your life. It spun around me until everything else in life was blurry. Tired of feeling dizzy from my situation, I realized I had a choice. I could let anger drive my college experience, or I could appreciate the things I was capable of doing.

There’s no clear solution to unraveling the sticky web of chronic illness. Everyone has a different relationship to their body and their health. Everyone has a different path to college, their career, or adult life in general. Today, I’ve graduated from college and survived numerous triumphs and setbacks. I have a full time job, and get excited about buying snacks in bulk from Costco. Clearly, I’m a real adult. One of the keys to embracing life with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s is embracing change.

It’s easier written, or said, than done. However, I believe that illness is not an impenetrable barrier. It’s an obstacle, a heavy boulder, that patients must carry. Still, everyday that I live with ulcerative colitis, I learn something new about myself. As a result, it’s become easier to adapt to life with illness. I know my strengths and my weaknesses, and I have gotten stronger. My experiences have made it easier to move, while carrying the weight of my diagnosis. Transitions, like from college to employment, are not impossible for me, instead they provide an opportunity for me to overcome my illness. After all, I have IBD, but I am not my disease. In the end, I know the boulder of IBD will erode into a tiny pebble. Until then, I’ll keep living beyond my limitations.

Crohn's on a College Budget: Tips for being a mindful shopper and saving money

By Erin Ard


Probably one of the biggest thing I struggled with in college, other than balancing my social life with academics, was money. I wasn’t very adept at budgeting my spending. I probably ended up spending much more than I needed and wasn’t able to stretch my money out as long as I could have. I spent what I had on what I wanted and there were no trade-offs; that is, until I realized I had been spending too much and would forego grocery shopping that week. Not a good spot to be in! Especially for someone who experiences stomach pain when I go too long not eating. The healthy way to approach spending would have been to ask myself, “How much money is left over after my necessary expenses?" Like tuition, books, rent, utilities, Remicade copays, etc. "How much do I want to spend on groceries? How much do I want to put towards fun?”

If you've ever been asked by your parents, tried to do some adulting yourself, or written up a grocery list, then you may have already asked yourself, "What is my budget?"

The truth of the matter is that setting a budget is entirely personal. How you want to spend your money is up to you? If you want to put most of your green towards 6 packs of assorted White Claws for college football game days, leaving yourself $50 for groceries, I can't stop you. You do you, honey! I just hope I get an invite to your tailgate!

There are so many factors to account for when setting a budget, including: money distributions, frequency of spending, being environmentally conscious. Reaching the point of having a well-groomed budget is a process of trail and error, meaning you'll have to dip your toes in before you can perfect it. This month I want to help any of you curious about how to set a monthly college budget, mindful grocery shopping, and finally, tips to save money both before and while at the store! Skip to whichever section you are most curious about!

Making a Crohn's-Compliant Budget

First, calculate your monthly expenses.

Take your monthly income and subtract your monthly expenses that, no matter what, you need to pay! This could include rent, utilities, Netflix, medication copays, and whatever else suits your lifestyle! If you're starting with a financial aid reimbursement, make sure to include long-term expenses over the semester (e.g. tuition or rent through December). You can do this on paper or in a spreadsheet. (Tip: Excel has some nice templates to work from - because why do it all yourself!).

Second, distribute the money left over.

You see the amount left over from your necessary expenses, that's your budget and that's all you get! Let's get a little more specific now. Divide your left over money into these categories: Food (grocery shopping and takeout), Self-care (healthcare products), Fun (for local events or social gatherings), and anything else you can think of that applies to you (medical, credit card debt). If you are having trouble knowing how much to allot, How much do you normally spend when you go to the grocery store?

Mindful Grocery Shopping


Mindful grocery shopping means, well pretty much what it sounds like, not going in and grabbing things mindlessly. You should go shopping with a goal - to buy healthy foods for yourself, on a budget, and within reason.

Be mindful of your current state. In other words, never go shopping when you are hungry. Whenever I go shopping hangry, I tend to hone in on snacky, sugary, junk foods - all of which I shouldn't eat on a Crohn's conscious diet.

Be mindful of what you place in your cart. Are you shopping from a list? Are you grabbing a bunch of ingredients for a recipe? Will you get home and inevitably realize you have a bunch of ingredients but none that form a whole recipe?

Be mindful of how much you are putting in your cart. Get enough to last you until your next trip, but not too much that will go bad before you use it. This is particularly important if you get a lot of fresh produce and perishables.

Tips for Saving Money

Saving money on your groceries mirrors being a mindful shopper and includes proper planning.

  • Research some recipes you'd like to try and plan out a weekly menu. Start with planning 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 3 dinners (since you will probably have leftovers).

  • Tailor your recipes to the produce that's in season. These veggies and fruits are the cheapest at that time.

  • Make a list of all the items you need and ONLY GET THOSE ITEMS! Unless, of course, you stumble upon something you forgot.

  • Grocery shop every week or every other week. This will help cut down on waste and allow you to replenish your fresh produce.

  • Stock up on nonperishable items you use most often when you can (i.e. there are sales!). This includes supplements or other products that help sustain you during an IBD episode.

  • Compare the prices with off brands or similar items. This may not save you a lot, but a little adds up over time.

There are plenty more factors to be aware of when setting up a budget and being a mindful shopper when you have Crohn’s disease. I hope this article has helped you think more about being a green-, environmental-, and personal health-conscious adulter!

What tips do you have for anyone with Crohn’s or Colitis and shopping on a budget?

A Five Step Plan to Prepare for the Stress of School

By Erin Ard


August has always been my favorite month of the year. The word itself feels warm and seems so full of light. Summer is winding down, many of us have been able to do things we never have time for during the school year. We've been able to spend loads of time with friends or family, gone on vacation to somewhere new and exciting, explored some new DIY projects, or tackled a task from our ever stagnant To-Do list. We might even be exhausted from all the fun and relaxing times we've had that the thought of summer ending, is naturally bittersweet. August is our last month to ourselves. When August 31st comes around, classes are just around the corner. Now, I don’t mean to scare or worry you that you are running out of time. You still have plenty of time to relax and prepare. (But tick tock..)

This September will mark my own re-entrance to school after taking a year off. In May of last year, I graduated with my Bachelors and will be going back as a re-entry student to study DIETETICS! I am so excited you guys, you don't even know! Even though it's only been 15 months since I was in college, I feel like the mom who rediscovers herself and goes back to school after x number of years devoted to others. But this is MY time to shine! My heart is so full of excitement and intrigue for the new topics I'll be learning about and the career path I am headed towards. I have had 15 months to decompress from all those days spent studying, non-stop, on end and will be reattending with renewed energy and outlook. Because I know how stressful college life can be and the added stress of taking care of a chronic illness, I want to share some of my own insight on how to prepare for another school year.

After having a few rough semesters and thinking about this new year, I decided to do some research on how to prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Many of the tips I found were in reference to another stressful life event, but they still hold potential for alleviating the stress experienced in school. Stress is stress, right? And when you have an inflammatory disease, a part of keeping your disease in check is taking the right precautions around stress management. So whether you are ready to get a move on or still trying to deny the fact that summer is ending, here is a five step plan to get you started.

Step 1

Use this last month of summer to really get to know yourself, on every level.

Try to understand how you deal with stress by thinking about your past. Think back to a time when you were dealing with a lot of stress, maybe even in the midst of a flare-up, and ask yourself: How do I tend to perceive about the situation? Do I react to the stress or work through it? Are my thought tendencies self-deprecating or more self-righteous and determined? How did I feel physically, emotionally, and mentally? What was I missing? What could I have done differently?

Try this writing exercise! Like you would write a story, write down what was happening during a time you were being pushed to your limits. Bullet-point every obstacle and bold everything you tried to overcome the situation, even the failed attempts. Then, like how a writer outlines a story-line, write out how you would resolve the story. Include who and what from your life you would need and when you would use them. Keep this as a guide or for inspiration!


Step 2

Plan ahead, for EVERYTHING and keep yourself accountable.

It can be helpful to set up a plan for yourself ahead of time. Whatever makes yourself more productive, make a promise to DO THOSE THINGS! Get tasks done early when you are feeling well and full of energy, so you can rest when you are not. Prioritize what is most important in your life. Stick to a routine or try new things. Think about how much you need to do to be successful and what kind of effort that will take. Then start to build up your plan around these thoughts. Being accountable for yourself and the work you must accomplish ahead of time will save you in the long run.

Try this writing exercise! Make a promise to yourself for the new school year. Write down a few things you want to strive for, big or small. Then display it somewhere you will see every now and then as a nice reminder. This will keep you centered and focused on what you want to achieve and how you will do it. Here are some examples: "I promise to make good decisions for my health and well-being. I promise to make my bed each morning. I promise to do what I can, when I can, and not judge myself when I cannot."


Step 3

Be the responsible person you and your body deserve!

Make responsible decisions when it comes to food choices, workload, and managing stress. A part of developing a successful plan is sticking to it! If you know about your own unhealthy habits that can impact your ability to manage stress, then take steps to reroute them. Start with replacing bad habits with positive ones.


Step 4

Have a de-stress plan when life starts to get tough.

By having something set in motion ahead of time, you can comfort yourself knowing you've prepared for this! So whip out your de-stress kit and get to it! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • If you feel yourself getting anxious, stop for a moment. Practice deep breathing and positive inward thoughts or commit some time to a guided meditation. You may feel more calm and refreshed afterwards.

  • Set up a routine to decompress after a long week (take a warm bath with a glass of wine, settle in with your favorite book with a cup of delicious tea, or just take a nap - but use this last one sparingly)

  • If you struggle with eating healthy, staying away from trigger foods, or staying on a grocery budget then try your hand at food prep. Taking your Sunday afternoon just for this task can be relaxing in itself and can yield some great benefits. Say goodbye to wondering what your next meal will be and ordering too much take-out!

  • Write a letter to yourself to read when the going gets tough. I did this in the depths of a my lowest moment and it allowed me to pull myself out of an emotional rut to refocus on happiness and success.


Step 5

Pick yourself up when you fall.

If you fail, a normal part of life, then you will need to brush yourself off and try again. Don't blame yourself, don't blame your shortcomings on your Crohn's or Colitis, and don't project your failures onto the universe. These tendencies will only allow you to harbor negative feelings about yourself or your past. Practice accepting things as they are and moving on with a more determined attitude. Find out where you might have went wrong and correct any bad behaviors that may have caused you to fail. Are your Netflix binge habits infringing on your study time? I know mine have before. Learning is all about finding what works for you and readjusting. This includes finding what works well in your own study habits. Try out some new ones if the old ones get stale.

Whatever your plan ends up being, make sure that it is true to YOU! Incorporate everything you know can work and don't waste your time on what doesn't. I promise to

What strategies help YOU manage stress?

Crohn's in College: The importance of understanding flare-ups and your disease

By Erin Ard

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I've been living with #CrohnsDisease for 11 years, but even with years of experiences, mishaps, and triumphs, I feel I'm still learning how it affects me. One of the biggest realizations happened recently when I was in college. Around my junior year I had hit a wall. It was becoming increasingly harder to navigate my studies and my energy level was draining rapidly. I had been taking classes year round for three straight years, taking classes in the summer and having heavy, difficult course loads to accommodate my second major and research. Unbeknownst to me, I was actually neglecting my health.

I started consistent Remicade treatments in high school and the difference it made was 100 fold. I went from an underweight, fatigued freshmen to a strong, motivated sophomore. The change was so positively significant that I thought all of my worries about Crohn's were behind me. I could eat good food again! And play competitively in sports! And I carried this mindset into college. I thought my struggle was over and could focus all my energy on school.. And I carried this mindset into college. Turns out I was wrong.

After a few painful semesters I started to realize what was happening. I was starting to get burnt out, I was sleep deprived and running on fumes. I was struggling with my motivation and my anxiety was building. Though seemingly dormant, my Crohn's disease was still affecting my mind and body.

I had ignored all of the signs up until this point. The fatigue and anxiety I felt in classrooms. The random little fevers during an important lecture that distracted me. The joint pain that slowed my walk to class or hindered my ability to exercise. The gut discomfort during an exam that forced me to finish quickly to get the hell out of there. And finally the gut-wrenching pains that made it impossible to walk. Everything added up, but it took me three years in college to see.

Starting my senior year I sought accommodations from our Disability Center on campus, which alleviated most of the worries set in place by my Crohn's. However, I was left wondering.. Why did it take me so long to figure out Crohn's still had a big impact on my daily life?

Essentially, it came down to my personality and one big misconception. During the initial stages, Crohn's had such an emotional impact that I've always tried to shut it out. In shutting it out, I failed to seek out information from outside resources and tried to figure it out on my own. In doing so, this lead to one big misconception around the focal point of Crohn's disease - flare ups.

I never generally understood what they are, their causes, how to help remedy them, and everything else. See, before I went on Remicade I was in a constant state of flaring up. I was unable to get it under control long enough to have a normal bowel movement. Which meant I wasn't able to eat much and I didn't have a lot of energy. I lived off of my mom's homemade chicken noodle soup and mashed potatoes because they were the only meals gentle enough to my gut. Here is what I have learned since then.

Flare-ups are periods of time when the disease becomes active and symptoms reappear. They consist of prolonged symptoms like gut pain from inflammation, diarrhea, blood in the stool, fatigue, and/or weight-loss. How long the symptoms last and the severity of them is different from person to person. Some medication, like Remicade/Renflexis/Infliximab, is specifically used to control symptoms enough to enter remission (i.e. an absence of symptoms or inactive disease), which means no flare-ups! Medication may be combined with other meds or diet restructuring to help keep symptoms under control. Over time, however, the same treatment regimen may not have the same affect. So adjustments in type of medication, dosage or frequency, or further diet modifications may be needed. Here, this whole time, I had thought of my disease as in remission, inactive, and needing no more thought. When in reality, it's going to be an every day effort.

See this article from Very Well Health to learn more about flare-ups and different ways to define remission.

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My personal tip is to pay attention to what your body tells you. Focus on whether certain symptoms are still present - do you have gut pain? Diarrhea? Painful bowl movements? Other non-gut related symptoms? Pay attention to how long these symptoms persist and take notes. This might mean your Crohn's or Colitis is still active and it's important to tell your health team. If one thing just isn't doing the trick, there might be additional options to help you reach your potential in healthy living. And if you haven't already, seek out information about the disability center on your campus!

I've recently started to pay more attention to my body's responses. What used to be my response to the question, "What can you eat?" has changed from, "Oh, I can eat anything!" to, "Well.. I'm still trying to figure that out." In all honesty, I AM still figuring it out. Though certain foods don't affect me like they did before medication, they still influence how I feel. And it is my responsibility to make sure I take care of myself by eating the right foods and not the wrong ones.

Be attentive. Always seek a better understanding. Don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for help. And most importantly, take care of yourself!

How to Cope With a Chronic Condition at College

By Sneha Dave

It wasn’t until the last couple weeks of high school that I realized the coming year, my first year of college, I would be on my own. My network of support and my parents would not be nearby.

As I sit in a coffee shop in the District of Columbia, I can't help but reflect on this past year, my freshman year of college. It's a transformative and influential time for most, and I can certainly say that it was more than this for me. I learned how to navigate the waters with my chronic condition, and once again I realized the importance of resilience to tackle both successes and challenges.

After living with a severe form of ulcerative colitis for more than 13 years, this was the first year I did not have my parents with me for every abdominal spasm and procedure. The transition was out of my comfort zone, but it taught me about independence. Below are some of the highlights of the year, as well as tips for living with a chronic condition in college:

Visit Disability Student Services before school begins. My mother pushed me to talk with the DSS services at my school so I could be established before I entered my freshman year. I wasn't too worried about registering with DSS, as I did not feel as though I would need it. In reality, DSS was a critical part of my school year. Registering before school starts is important because, after the beginning of school, there are a number of other things a student will have to worry about. The process is lengthy and it may require several phone calls to a physician's office. One of the perks of registering with DSS is that you can request a single room, which was a lifesaver for me, as I realized with my flare-ups.

Take the time to educate and communicate with your professors. If you've lived with a chronic condition for a number of years, this is probably something you already have experiences with. At the beginning of the year, I struggled with many episodes of inflammation and woke up some mornings with a feeling of paralysis in my abdomen. Subsequently, I missed my 8 a.m. class and lay in bed (in quite a bit of pain, I should add) and emailed my professor immediately. I was lucky, as my professor was always accommodating and willing to share notes, but having an upfront communication made it easier. It's often best to talk to your professor during the second week, after back-to-school commotion has eased.

It's OK not to tell everyone about your illness. The people I spent all of high school with knew of my history of being sick, but in college, almost everyone was a stranger to my illness. The second semester of freshman year I had a medical procedure every week, sometimes twice each week. While I am a huge advocate for people with chronic conditions, I find it challenging to tell people about my condition, because I really don't like the accompanying sympathy. Most of my peers are not aware of the medical challenges I lived with this year. On the whole, it's a good idea to educate your peers, but it can often be repetitive to have to explain every small detail.

Everything will not go as planned. I really struggled with this, as I wanted my freshman year to be pain- and symptom-free. I remember I was put on a high dose of antibiotics, which decreased my inflammation but caused a wave of new symptoms, including severe appetite loss and constant fatigue. Subsequently, I spent some more time getting evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic than I would have liked. I found myself constantly trying to develop time strategies to deal with my chronic condition, taking classes and managing a boatload of extracurriculars.

Don't let your illness be your excuse. The reality is unfortunate, but at the end of the day, very few people will take into account your struggles with chronic health conditions as you navigate schoolwork. I found myself having frequent spasms and still working very hard on a biology test. You may have to make some sacrifices in order to get extra rest or to catch up, but it can be done.

Learn to navigate around dining hall food. There's a way to bypass dining hall food and instead keep a refrigerator with food that you're able to tolerate. I have a very complicated diet, and the dining hall at my university was not able to accommodate my needs (understandably so, as my diet changes every few months). I had my doctor send a letter so that I could provide my own meals.

It's OK to feel alone – and remember, it's all a learning experience. Many of us have been fortunate to have our parents drive us to procedures and wait with us. After having a few visits to the Cleveland Clinic, I was prescribed treatment that required me to see a health care specialist at least

once a week at an office near my campus. I often went to my procedures in between classes and came to my next class half asleep. It was a new learning experience for me, as I did not have family right there with me.

Freshman year was quite a learning experience for transition. While I often felt overwhelmed with my illness, I ended up learning quite a bit with support from a distance. I encourage all college students with a chronic condition to find ways to ensure that your illness will not stand in the way of your goals (something easier said than done, but it is possible).

Content originally created for U.S. News and World Report. Find the original article here: