
New Year's Resolutions from a Fellow Crohnie

By Erin Ard


Living a life with inflammatory bowel disease is in one word, unpredictable. For Crohn's disease, you pretty much do what you can to control the inflammation in your body by controlling your food intake and working with your gastroenterologist on what treatment methods to use. Not to mention, dealing with any other additional complications or side effects. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 10 years ago now and I've learned a lot about strength, resiliency, and the imperfection of the human body. Since my diagnosis, I've learned a lot about my body and my disease including how to accept all of its flaws. But because reality tells me I will deal with this disease for the rest of my life, my journey with Crohn’s is not over yet so there is still so much more to learn.

My journey with Crohn's started back in high school and honestly, I had no idea what would be in store for me. When I was finally sent to see a specialist, we would drive over an hour to my gastroenterology appointments. I started out taking mercaptopurine to suppress my immune system but quickly advanced to Remicade as a long-term treatment. On Remicade, I finally felt like myself again – at least a version of myself with additional manifestations of my Crohn's. The joint pain and short-lived fevers still persist, even today. It has been 8 years since I started on Remicade and a lot has happened over those years. I finished high school, moved away from home, and started college at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Since starting college I've learned a lot more about myself as an individual and how Crohn's affects my life as a whole. In fact, it has changed since I was diagnosed and achieved remission the first time around.

I moved through the years mostly symptom-free. With only the rare stomach ache, but still able to maintain your daily routines. I knew precisely how my daily life would change if my disease was active. I valued the time I had thinking I could eat what I wanted without repercussion or go on a long run without my joint pain forcing me to limp the remaining distance. When your Crohn's is in remission, you have the freedom to eat delicious - maybe not so Crohn's-compliant - foods. You may even plan travel trips into your year with minimized anxiety of having an episode. I had the freedom to do all of these things! Since 2019 started, I tackled my vision board ideas by cooking more from scratch, trying out healthy recipes in my Insta Pot, and booking my first flight on a plane! Followed by several more flights to exciting new locations I hadn’t dreamed of experiencing because of the travel-anxiety instilled by my Crohn’s. For a woman in her early 20s with Crohn’s disease, I was crushing it! Then a few reality checks later, the unpredictability of IBD set in and I learned an important lesson. That no matter how far into remission you've gotten, odds are you might flare-up again in the future.

Photo by Evie Shaffer from Pexels

Photo by Evie Shaffer from Pexels

This sad truth is where I found myself recently. For the last few months, I've felt pretty off. I was getting more frequent belly pains, indigestion, irregular bowel movements, and my joints were starting to bother me more. I had originally attributed all of my symptoms to not eating well, which was a naïve thing to believe.. In retrospect, I had been struggling to stay in remission for the past couple of years. With the way that Remicade infusions worked over my 8 week time period, I would started getting symptoms again around week 7. That last week was a familiar struggle which included neglecting some of my responsibilities at school. I would end up skipping a class here or calling into work there - each pretty understandable given the circumstances but I still regretted having to do. About a year ago I went in for another colonoscopy (my third so far) because of these recurring symptoms and because my last one was towards the beginning of my diagnosis. The results didn't come back perfect, of course. They found some inflammation in my distal colon and the opening to my small intestine, which would explain my irregularity, stomach pain, and indigestion. I was told my gastroenterologist would be in touch to discuss what my next steps would be. After that visit, everything concerning my disease went on hold for awhile. In other words, life happened. My obligations for school and work started to take over my free time. Being the Crohnie I am, my limited will power from the fatigue would have me put the small tasks off until the following day. Meaning my health was put on a back-burner because they would always be put off until the “next day.” I was still receiving infusions every 8 weeks and conquering through my days, so I didn’t jeopardize my self-efficacy. I felt able to accomplish whatever I set my mind on. Eventually I started to wonder what my prognosis would turn into if I continued living this way. So I finally scheduled that appointment, this time with the gastroenterologist that performed my last colonoscopy.

Since I've started this fellowship with #CCYAN - the Crohn's and Colitis Young Adults Network, I've read so much about other people's experience and learned the expansive symptomology of inflammatory bowel disease in other bodies. Since the start of the year I realized how crucial it is to maintain your disease to prevent complications or necessary surgery in the future. Heading into the new year, my new outlook will be focused on achieving remission and maintaining a healthy body, any way I can. Let me share with you what my Crohn’s-related New Year’s resolutions are for 2020..


Learn to accept the unpredictable.

The first resolution I’d like to explore more is in how I think. Because Crohn’s can be so unpredictable, accepting this as a fact of the disease may help uncontrollable events feel less traumatizing. When you can learn to seek solutions or simply see the positive rather drowning in the self pity, loathing, disgust or whatever you might feel, you will feel a bit more at ease. It takes so much energy worrying about what "could" happen in the future. Like what "might" happen if you venture away from the privacy of your home and go to the movies today. Or "if" you might have the urge to go on an airplane while the bathroom is busy. Or "if" you don't make it to the toilet on time. Events like these are bound to happen and throw you for a loop if you aren't prepared. I should clarify that learning to how to accept and not worry about the future doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't prepare for anything and everything. Because the first thing we all learn with IBD is that preparation is key to surviving any traumatic bathroom incident!

To take initiative when it comes to my well-being and body's health.

The second resolution involves how take action when Crohn’s is clearly affecting my body. My bad habits of binge-eating sugary treats or ordering high-fat take-out when I’m not feeling well starts to become routine when I don’t take responsibility for some of the fall out. I’d like to learn how to better take initiative to prevent consequences or make the most of my recovery. This means staying in close contact with my gastroenterologist about any trouble I’m having, not eating foods I know will quarantine me in the bathroom the next day, and keeping track of my symptoms, as tedious as that might be.

Recently I received not-so-great news from my gastroenterologist and it felt like my world was collapsing. After I took a calprotectin test which showed an adequate amount of inflammation, she told me that my Crohn's was flaring up again. It took me a bit to realize that what I was experiencing was actually long-lived. I had started getting symptoms months prior and it took me too long to get back on track. Something simple that could have helped me notice something sooner would have been a food log, which unfortunately, I don't have a lot of experience in carrying out. However, I do see their value and hope that this next year I can explore this path and hone in on what my exact food triggers are and how my body changes throughout the year. If you are now interested in doing the same, see this article on How to Use a Food Diary to Help Manage Crohn’s Symptoms and Flares from Everyday Health. I might not go as far as weighing my food, but at least I will get an idea of what food leads to which symptom.

My disease will change as much as I do.

This is one thing I needed to accept my disease started to flare up again. I was caught up in the idea that I had achieved remission and that everything would stay relatively constant. I just couldn’t see myself going through what I had in high school again, when my Crohn’s had surfaced. Since then it’s been a constant flow and I tried to push any thought that the disease would hold me back aside - which was an advantage for the time-being. However, this also kept me from growing because I just shut everything out. I wasn’t able to harness the power of vulnerability in having an illness to accept myself as I am and love my body.

After spending the last 8+ years in remission, with only some minor episodes, finding out my disease was flaring up again came as a shock to me. I've noticed that I'm the type of person who is apprehensive around big life changes. I like how things are going, I am comfortable with how everything is, and if I have to suffer through it a little, I am fine with that. However, this kind of mindset wouldn't suffice anymore and I've been realizing that more and more every day. My doctor and I have been working hard to put my disease back into remission. I'm trying some new medication out and taking everything new in day by day. IBD is so specific to every person, so how it presents itself or progresses is going to look different in all of us. And as all of us grow into young adults and beyond, our disease will change over time as well. For the better, or not so much.

My body will do some weird things, just learn to go with it.

You would think having to deal with gut pain would be enough, but there are so many other things that can factor in! The most common list of symptoms for Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue. But the lesser known, indirectly related symptoms should also include weird noises, smells, urgency and accidents. Your gut will make loud gas-y noises while it’s quiet in the office. You will have to take frequent, unexpected breaks when the urgency gets the better of you. And the unfortunate reality is that sometimes, you won't make it to the bathroom in time.

The most healing part of my being more vulnerable this past year, was accepting these symptoms as they were instead of trying to control them. Because when I’d try to control them, I would get gut upset, constipation, or even more uncomfortable. I eventually started to tell people that yes, I have had accidents in the past and brushed this confession off like it was normal. Humor always goes a long way in these situations. Because of the healing I’ve already had, I want to pursue this resolution in 2020 as well to see my body’s flaws in a new light.


My hope is that you will find some inspiration to create your own list of resolutions for yourself. Whether they are similar to mine or completely different! Join me in making a resolution list for yourself this year and we can both actively improve our life with IBD together!

In the Name of Love: The Importance of Having a Support System

By Erin Dunne

Stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, low FODMAP diet, gluten-free diet, dairy-free diet, little fat, no sugar, no caffeine, MRIs, CT scans, GI exams, Prednisone, Remicade… the list goes on and on. If you have #IBD, the chances of you encountering at least one of these things at some point in your life is very high. Some individuals have what can be seen as "easier" cases; they are put on a single treatment plan that keeps their symptoms at bay and may even lead to clinical remission. There are others that may jump from treatment plan to treatment plan without seeming to find one that ultimately works for them. Each journey of somebody with IBD is unique, and while we can empathize with others and find comfort in similarities we may share, it is easy to feel alone in this adventure. Despite frustrations we may feel at any given point, it is essential to establish strong relationships to lean into and lift us — relationships with friends, family, professors, and ourselves.

Through love, even the impossible seems practical, and with a disease that is so unpredictable, this rationale is comforting.

I have had Crohn's Disease for thirteen years now, and I can honestly say that through the years, most of my strength has been obtained through my relationships with others. For many years, I was one of the fortunate individuals that often did not feel as though I had an illness. I took two pills a day, was not restricted to a specific way of eating, and experienced few symptoms. Compared to my friends around me, the only difference between us was that I had to take medicine at certain times of the day and had monthly doctors' appointments. Despite these minor differences, I still felt isolated from others my age. In my world, I was the only person I knew with IBD and had no idea of the various severities of the same condition. It wasn't until I attended Camp Oasis- Michigan that my eyes were finally opened, and I no longer felt alone in this journey.

My third summer at Camp Oasis. Can you spot me and CCYAN Admin, Sneha?

My third summer at Camp Oasis. Can you spot me and CCYAN Admin, Sneha?

Throughout my time at camp, I met so many people with different stories, and I was fascinated by every one of them. Not only was it wonderful to be able to relate with others my age but also to idolize the older campers and counselors for how strong they were. I returned to camp for four summers and connected with so many lovely individuals throughout the years that have helped shape my life; some of which I still am in contact with!

I highly recommend trying to include people that have experienced IBD into your support system because not only do you gain more love in your life, but also people that get what you're going through! If you're anything like me and don't have family members or friends that are familiar with the disease, it can be hard to share stories, concerns, even successes without feeling like they're not entirely understood. (Sorry mom for the various bowel movement updates, but thanks for listening!) Getting in contact with others can be very easy! Communities like CCYAN, CCFA, Camp Oasis, and any groups through universities, hospitals are all great places to start. While each story is different, we are far more alike than you would think.



Although I mentioned earlier that I had considered myself lucky to have an easier time with Crohn's, the past two years have been anything but that. With being on the same medication for most of my life, it stopped being effective and could no longer support the inflammation in my system. I have been dealing with a reoccurring flare since and have gone through various forms of treatment to try to tame my symptoms. At first, I had become more aware of food intolerances, often experiencing diarrhea, severe bloating, and severe stomach cramps. Through trial and error, I have found a diet based on whole foods (vegetables, fruit, fish, poultry, nuts) makes me feel my best but I am still finding things that do not agree with my body (rip mangoes… you will be missed). I am currently taking Humira but am exploring other medication options. Even with all of the changes I have implemented to ease my symptoms, I know I can experience much better and strive to heal my body as much as possible.



I would be lying if I said I was always hopeful during this process of finding a treatment that my body reacts best to. There have been times I have broken down due to being so frustrated with not seeing or feeling any improvement; sometimes I can feel as though I am my childhood self upon the first diagnosis, scared and alone. At my lowest times, it can be easiest to isolate myself and wallow in my self-pity, but luckily, I have learned that my support group of friends and family, although they can't relate on a personal level, are always there to listen and help to the best of their ability. Being away from home for school, I am not able to lean on my family as much as I would have in the past. Although I have always been independent, it is comforting to know that I have loved ones around that are there for me through my struggles and my successes (never underestimate the power of a hug). I have been blessed to find another form of a family at Spring Arbor through wonderful friends that I love with all of my heart. Even though we have not known each other long, it is as though I have known them a lifetime. They go through my problems alongside me, help me come up with solutions, and act as my parents when I am sick and unable to leave my dorm room.

A few weeks ago, I was experiencing terrible symptoms; I was trapped in my bathroom the majority of the weekend and did not have much of an appetite. My friends knew I was not able to walk to the Dining Commons, so they took it upon themselves to bring me bananas and easy to digest, bland foods. Another day, I had expressed frustration with not having a doctor at the moment and feeling as though my current treatment plan was not working. My friend spent her afternoon going through scholarly articles and websites to find information on healing diets, fixing nutrient imbalances, and alternative healing techniques. Other times, when we are eating out or visiting someones home, they make sure I have something I will be able to eat. To say I feel loved and fulfilled is an understatement! I cannot stress enough the importance of having a support system in your life.



Whether you're currently dealing with IBD, mental illness, body image, etc, being able to express love for others as well as receive love from them is beneficial for your brain and your well-being! It does not matter what the size of your support system is or who is in it, as long as these individuals support and love you and are positive additions to your life. I hope while reading this you have thought of a few people that are currently in your life that help you each day, even in the littlest way. I encourage you to reach out to them and let them know how much they are appreciated! If you have interest in growing your circle or want to start one, as I have previously mentioned, there are plenty of ways to get involved and meet people from your area, different states, and even around the world. The ladies at CCYAN would love to hear your stories, connect with you and help in any way possible. Feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you simply want to talk!

Stay Lovely,
